- 2018-2019
- 2019-2020
- 2020-2021
- 1.1.1 A Calender
- 1.1.1 B Report on Mid-Course correction meeting
- 1.1.1 Notice
- 1.1.2 A Meeting Agenda Planning for academic calender
- 1.1.2 B Notice
- 1.1.2 C Report Mid course correction meeting
- 1.1.3 C Teacher Orientation Programme
- 1.2.1 A Circular, document of the University showing duly approved list of optional, electives, pedagogy courses in the curriculum_144dpi_60
- 1.2.1 B Calendar
- 1.2.2 A Value Added Course Digital Literacy
- 1.2.3 A Certificate
- 1.2.3 Calue added Course on Digital Literacy
- 1.2.5 A Certificates, evidences for completing the self-study course(s)
- 1.3.1 C External Activities (Internship) Activities
- 1.3.1 Calendar
- 1.3.2 External Activities Internship
- 1.3.3 A Any other relevant information_144dpi_60
- 1.4.2 A Action taken report of the institution
- 1.4.2 Stakeholder feedback analysis report with seal and signature of the Principal
- 2..4.4(3) Research tools
- 2.1.1 (2)NOC for B.ED and MEd. (MDSU)
- 2.1.1 (3) aFFALIATION
- 2.1.1 (4) Total enrollment of students
- 2.1.1(5 Total enrollment of students M.ED
- 2.1.2 (2) guidelines for reservation policy PTET
- 2.1.2 (3) category wise reservation total enrollment
- 2.1.2(5. category wise reservation total enrollment M.ED
- guidelines for reservation policy_144dpi_60
- 2.1.3 (2) EWS Certificate
- 2.1.3. (3) PH & EWS
- 2.2.1 (1) Admission form
- 2.2.1 (2) Students List
- 2.2.1 (3) Admission commitee
- 2.2.2 (2) Notice for collabrative tasks webinar, students orientation .pdf
- 2.2.2. (3) Repots of activities
- 2.2.2.(4) Actiities Photos
- 2.2.2.(5) learning enhancement activity
- 2.2.3 (1) Notice for of activities for catering learning exposure
- 2.2.3 (2)Report of activities for catering learning exposure
- 2.2.3. (3) Photos of activities for catering learning exposure
- 2.2.4 (Mentor & Mentee Evidence_144dpi_60
- 2.3(20-21) Multiple mode of teaching learning process
- others documenrts Multiple mode of teaching learning process_144dpi_60
- 2.3.3 (3)(20-21)_Google Class Details and Studets attandance
- Attandance list of classes_144dpi_60
- 2.3.4(2) evidance of ICT support is used by students in various learning situations
- 2.3.4(3) photos of ICT support is used by students in various learning situations _144dpi_60
- 2.3.5(1 schedule repots and activities for imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors) .pdf
- 2.3.5(2) Photos of imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors.pdf
- 2.3.6(2) Notices by Institution for provide exposure to students about recent developments.pdf
- 2.3.6(3) Report of Institution for provide exposure to students about recent developments.pdf
- 2.3.6(4) Photos of Institution for provide exposure to students about recent developments.pdf
- 2.3.7(1) Evidance of teaching learning process for nurtures innovativeness in students.pdf
- 2.3.7(2 Photos Evidance of teaching learning process for nurtures innovativeness in students_144dpi_60
- 2.4.1(2 orgnising lesson plan (Micro teaching
- 2.4.1(3) noicte for orgnising lesson plan (Micro teaching.pdf
- 2.4.1(4)Photos of orgnising lesson plan (Micro teaching.pdf
- 2.4.10(2) Sample of internship work _144dpi_60
- 2.4.10(3) Evidance of internship work .pdf
- 2.4.11(1Evidance of mentoring mechanism for internship programe.pdf)
- 2.4.12 (2) Evidance o fAssessment of perfomance during internship.pdf
- 2.4.12(1) Assessment of perfomance during internship.pdf
- 2.4.12(3) Various docements of Assessment of perfomance during internship_144dpi_60
- 2.4.13 (3).pdf Format Perfomance certificate of internship
- 2.4.13(2) - Coprehensive appraisal of interns Perfomance certificate of internship .pdfCopy
- 2.4.2(2 Notice and repots of activites of pre internship done by students.xlsx_144dpi_60
- 2.4.2(3) Students attanendance sheet of class
- 2.4.2(4)_documents avidance for activities of students_144dpi_60
- 2.4.2(5)photos of student activity
- 2.4.3(2)Photos of Competency of effective communication in students .xlsx
- 2.4.4(2) Evidance of Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment.xls_144dpi_60
- 2.4.5(3)Documentory evidance for skills developed in students_144dpi_60
- 2.4.5. (2) skill development _144dpi_60
- 2.4.6(2) Details of Students develop competence to organize academic, cultural, sports and community related events through.xlsx
- 2.4.6(3) Evidance of cacademic, cultural, sports and community related events through.xrelated activities.pdf
- 2.4.6(4) Evidance documents_144dpi_60
- 2.4.6(5) Students list
- 2.4.7(2)Sample of variety of assignments .xlsx_144dpi_60
- 2.4.8(1) ) Selection of shools for internship by students .pdf
- 2.4.8(2)Internship certificate
- 2.4.9(2) Notice for internship
- 2.5.1 (2) office order of sanction post of staff_removed
- 2.5.2 (2 ) Ph.D. Degree certificate .pdf
- 2.5.3 (2) (appointment letter of of staff _144dpi_60
- 2.5.4 (1) Photos of Teachers put- forth efforts pdf.pdf
- 2.6(2020-21) Documents of internal CIE .pdf).
- 2.6.1 ( Reports of internal CIE .pdf)
- 2.6.2 (1) University guideline for internal assessment.pdf
- 2.6.2 (4) new. documents of remadial teaching
- 2.6.2(3) Bilingual Question papers of unit test pdf_144dpi_60
- Report of internal assessment
- 2.6.3 (1 Academic calender).pdf
- 2.6.3 Redressal retated to exam (2020-2021)
- 2.6.4 (1 Academic calender).pdf
- 2.7(2020-21) Resulrt analysis
- 2.7.1(1) Details of CLO and PLO
- 2.7.2 (2) TR _144dpi_60
- 2.7.2. (3) Notice of Pass percentage of students during the year
- 2.7.4 (2)Mark list of second year students
- 2.7.5 (2) photos of related task
- 2.7.5. (1) various assessment tasks list .pdf
- 2020-21
- 3.1.3 A Institutional Policy document
- 3.1.3 B Sanction letters of award of incentives
- 3.1.3 C Income Expenditure statements
- 3.1.3 D Documentary evidence for each of the claims
- 3.1.4 Documentary evidences in support of the claims
- 3.1.4 A reports highlighting the claims made by the institution
- 3.2.1 A First page of the artical, journals
- 3.2.1 B E-copies of outer jacket, contents page of the journals in which articles are published
- 3.2.2 A First page of the published book, chapter
- 3.2.2 B E-copies of outer jacket, contents page of the books, chapters and papers published along with ISBN
- A Report of each outreach activity organized along with video, photographs
- A outreach activity
- B Any other relevant information
- 3.3.5 A Appropriate certificates from the awarding agency
- 3.4.2 A Copies of the MoUs with institution, industry, corporate houses
- 3.4.2 B Any other relevant information
- 3.4.3 A Report of each activities
- 3.4.3 B Any other relevant information
- 4.1.1 A Infrastructure_144dpi_60
- 4.1.1 Infrastructure Facilities
- 4.1.2 A Smart Class Room
- 4.1.3 A Income Expenditure statements
- 4.2 Software
- 4.2.1 Bill for augmentation of library_144dpi_60
- 4.2.2 Landing page of the remote access webpage
- 4.2.3 D website page photo
- 4.2.4 A Income Expenditure statements_144dpi_60
- 4.2.5 C Teacher's Entry Register_144dpi_60
- 4.2.6 A Survey of Reseach in Education
- 4.3 Bill of Net BSNL_144dpi_60
- 4.3.2 A Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register
- 4.3.2 Photo of Computer lab
- 4.4.1 A Income Expenditure statements
- 4.4.1 C Income Expenditure Statement
- 5.1.1 B Report on each capability
- 5.1.1 C Sample feedback sheets from
- 5.1.1 D Photographs with date and_144dpi_60
- 5.1.2 Student Support Facilities in Institutions
- 5.1.3 B Guideline for Students Grievance Redressal
- 5.1.3 D Samples of grievance submitted
- 5.1.4 B Income Expenditure
- 5.1.4. C Reports of Placement
- 5.2.1 B Report for Placement
- B Documentary evidence in
- B Copy of certificates for
- 5.3.1 A List of students represented on
- 5.3.1 B Copy of constitution of student
- 5.3.2 B Reports of the events along with_144dpi_60
- C Copy of circular, brochure
- 5.4.1 A Details of office bearers and members of alumni association
- 5.4.2. C Report of alumni participation
- B Agenda and minutes of the meeting of Alumni Association with seal and signature of the Principal and the Secretary of the Association
- 6.1.3 A Bank Account Certificate
- 6.1.3 A Transparency in the work of the Institution
- 6.2.1 A Calendar_144dpi_60
- 6.2.1 Institutional Development Plan
- 6.2.3 C Annual e-governance report
- 6.2.3 D College Development and Planning Committe
- 6.2.4 A Action Taken
- 6.2.4 B Inchargeship
- 6.2.4 Minutes of the meeting
- 6.3 List of welfare measures provided by the institution
- 6.3 A List of beneficiaries of welfare measures provided by the institution
- 6.3 B Accommodation facility for Supportive Staffs
- 6.3.4 A Copy of Course completion certificates
- 6.3.4 B Any other relevant information
- 6.3.5 B Performance Appraisal Report of any three teaching and three non-teaching staff_144dpi_60
- 6.4 A Report of Auditors
- 6.4 Report of Auditors
- 6.4. 2 A Income Expenditure statements
- 6.4.3 Documentary evidence regarding mobilization and utilization of funds
- 6.5.2 Appropriate documents to show the visible improvement in Teaching-Learning Process
- 6.5.2 C Consolidated report of Academic Administrative Audit (AAA)
- 6.5.2 D e-Copies of the accreditations and certifications
- 6.5.4 F Feedback analysis report
- 6.5.5 Calendar_144dpi_60
- 7.1.1 A Notice Energy Policy
- 7.1.1 B Photo & Light Bill
- 7.1.1 Notice Waste management
- 7.1.2 A Notice
- 7.1.3 C Audit Report
- 7.1.4 A Audit Report
- 7.1.4 B Borewells Photos
- 7.1.5 Green Cover
- 7.1.6 A Paper less Work
- 7.1.6 B Circulars and relevant Policy
- 7.1.6 D Income-Expenditure Statement
- 7.1.7 B Expenditure on Green Initiatives_144dpi_60
- 7.1.7 C Expenditure on Waste managment
- 7.1.8 A Institution efforts_144dpi_60
- 7.1.9 A Code of Conduct
- 7.1.9 C Minutes of Code of Conduct
- 7.1.9 D Monitorining Committee
- 7.2.1 Best Practice_144dpi_60
- 7.3.1 A Institutional Distinctiveness_144dpi_60
- Mou2.5.4(20-21) Notice and repots regarding Teachers put- forth efforts pdf.pdf
- sss-2020-21 student satisfaction survey_144dpi_60
- 2021-2022
- 1.1 Academic clender (Plan developed for the academic year)
- 1.1 Curriculum Reopt (Plans for mid- course correction wherever needed for the academic year)
- 1.1 curriculum planning committee Notice (Details of a. the procedure)
- 1.1.2 Curriculum planing Report (A copy of the programme of action for in- house curriculum planned and adopted during the academic year)
- 1.1.2 MEETING AGENDA PLANNING FOR ACADEMIC CALENDER(List of persons who participated in the process of inhouse curriculum planning)
- 1.1.2 curriculum planning committee (Meeting notice and minutes of the meeting for in-house curriculum planning)
- 1.1.3 teacher orientation programmes
- 1.1.3 Prospectus for the academic year2022-23
- 1.1.3 Report and photographs with caption and date of student induction programmes
- Academic calendar showing time allotted for optional
- 1.3.1 Photographs indicating the participation of students, if any_144dpi_60_rgb
- 1.3.1 Tentative Calendar of Activitles (List of activities conducted in support of each of the above)
- 1.3.2 Action plan indicating the way
- 1.3.2 Documentary evidence in support of the claim_144dpi_60_rgb
- 1.3.3 Any other relevant information_144dpi_60_rgb
- 1.4.1 Sample filled-in feedback forms
- 1.4.2 Action taken report
- 1.4.2 feedback analysis
- 2.1.1(2))NOC FOR B.ED AND M.ED
- 2.1.1(4)students list_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.1.(3) NCTE letters
- 2.1.2 (3) Finale admission list by HEI _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.2 (4) category wise reservation total enrollment .pdf.pd_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.3 (3) category wise reservation total enrollment _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.3(2) EWS and Divyangjan_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.2.1(1) Admission form
- 2.2.1(3) Admission committee
- 2.2.2(3) ) Photos of diffrent activities to honour students diversities of learning .pdft
- 2.2.2.(1) Details of diffrent activities to honour students diversities of learning (Notice)
- 2.2.2.(5) Photos of activities
- 2.2.3(1)institution provisions for special need
- 2.2.3(2) Report of activities for catering learning exposure.pdf
- 2.2.4(2) Student Mentor Documents
- 2.3.1 (2) Multiple Mode Approachs_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.3.(2) Use of ICT for students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.4 (4) photo of out of classrom activities
- 2.3.4(2) ICT use in practice Teaching_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.4(3) I2.3.4(3) online activities with ICT support
- 2.3.5 (2)Photos of imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.5(1) Notice and reports of imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors.pdf
- 2.3.6 (3) documentory evidances 6 Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments.xlsx_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.6(1) Notice Institution provides exposure to students about recent developments.xlsx s
- 2.3.7(1) innovative Teaching learning
- 2.3.7(2) development of ceativity,innovation , life skill_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.1(2) Notices by Institution for providing opportunities for developing competencies and skills.
- 2.4.1(3) Reports Institution for providing opportunities for developing competencies and skills.
- 2.4.1(4) Documents evidance Institution for providing opportunities for developing competencies and skills._144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.10 (3) Evidance of internship work
- 2.4.10(2) Sample of internship work _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.11 (1)Notice regarding mentoring mechanism for internship programe
- 2.4.12 (1) Assessment of perfomance during internship
- 2.4.12(2) Evidance of Assessment of perfomance during internship.
- 2.4.12(3) perfomance certificate and peers observation
- 2.4.13(1) Formate of Coprehensive appraisal of interns Perfomance
- 2.4.13(2) Coprehensive appraisal of interns Perfomance
- 2.4.13(3) Evidance of Coprehensive appraisal of interns Perfomance
- 2.4.2(3) attendance sheet of students.pdf
- 2.4.2(4)documents avidance for activities of students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.2.(5) Photos avidance for activities of students
- 2.4.3(2) Evidance of activities for developing Competency of effective communication in students
- 2.4.3(3) Photo of activities for developing Competency of effective communication in students _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.4(2) Evidance of Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.4(3)assignment and research tool_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.5(2) skills developed in students. by the teacher _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.5(3)Documentory evidance for skills developed in students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.6 photos of related activities_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.6(2)_Details of cacademic, cultural, and community related events through.xrelated activities_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.6(3) Report related activities.pdf
- 2.4.7(2) Lists of assignments _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.7(2)_Samples of assignments and field work .pdf)_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.8(1)selection of shcools for internship
- 2.4.9(2)Notice for internship
- 2.5.1(2) office order of sanction post of staff
- 2.5.2(2)_) degree and certificates of Ph D_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.5.4 Evidance of Teachers put- forth efforts pdf.pdf
- Teachers put- forth efforts pdf
- photos of Teachers put- forth efforts pdf
- 2.6.1 (2) Evidance of internal CIE
- 2.6.1(1)Documents of internal CIE
- 2.6.2 (4) Evidance of internal assessment_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.6.2(1)1)University guideline for internal assessment
- 2.6.2(2) Report of mechanism inernal evaluation
- 2.6.2(3) provision for bilingual question papers and answers_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.6.3 Redressal Related to Exam (2021-2022)
- 2.6.3(1) cademic calendar 1
- 2.6.3(1) cademic calendar 2
- 2.6.3(1) cademic calendar
- 2.7.1 (2) University ruls
- 2.7.1(1) Details of CLO and PLO
- 2.7.2 (2)_ TR _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.7.2(3) certified report of pass students
- 2.7.3(2) PLO CLO of MEd
- 2.7.3.(1) Result analysis
- 2.7.4(2)_Internal marks list of student_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.7.5 (2)_ Perfomacnce of students on various assessment tasks _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.7.5(1) assessment in various activities
- 2.8 student satisfaction survey_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.1.3 E Interactive Sesion on Research Report
- 3.1.3 A Institutional Policy document detailing scheme of incentives
- 3.1.3 D Documentary evidence for each of the claims_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.1.4 A Documentary evidences in support of the claims_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.2.2 A First page of the published book, chapter
- 3.3.1 A Report of each outreach activity organized along with video, photographs_144dpi_60_rgb
- B Report of each outreach activity_144dpi_60_rgb
- Event-wise newspaper clippings_144dpi_60_rgb
- A Documentary evidence in support of the claim along with photographs with caption and Date_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.3.4 Relevant documentary evidence for the claim_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.4.2 A Copies of the MoUs with institution , industry, corporate houses
- 3.4.2 B Guest Lecture on Action Research
- 4.1 A Infrastructure_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.1 Insfrastructure Facility
- 4.1.2 A Smart Class Romm and Seminar Hall
- 4.1.3 A Income and Expenditure Statement
- 4.2.1 Bill for augmentation of library_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.2.2 Software
- 4.2.3 A Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register
- 4.2.3 C Computer Lab Photo
- 4.2.4 C Infrastructure Facilities
- 4.2.6 Survey of Research in Education
- 4.3 Smart Class Room and Seminar Hall
- 4.4 A Income Expenditure Statement
- 5.1.1 B Report on each capability
- 5.1.1 C Photographs with date and_144dpi_60_rgb
- 5.1.3 B Institutional guidelines for students grievance redressal
- 5.1.3 C Composition of the student grievance redressal committee including sexual harassment and ragging
- 5.1.3 D Samples of grievance submitted offline
- 5.1.4 C Report of the Placement Cell
- 5.1.4 D Any other relevant information
- 5.2.1 B Reports of Placement Cell for during the year
- 5.2.1 C Appointment letters of 10 percent graduates for each year
- 5.2.2 B Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education with seal and signature of the principal
- 5.2.3 B Copy of certificates for qualifying in the state, national examination
- 5.3 constitution of student council signed by the Principal
- 5.3 A List of students represented on different bodies of the Institution signed by the Principal
- 5.3 C evidence for alumni role in institution functioning and for student welfare
- 5.3.1 A Class Repersentative Committee Members
- 5.3.1 B Constitution of Students
- 5.3.1 C Evidence for Alumni Rule in Institutions
- 5.3.2 B Reports of the events along with the photographs with captions and dates
- 5.4.1 Details of office bearers and members of alumni association
- 5.4.2 B Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning for the academic year
- 5.4.3 A Agenda and minutes of the meeting of Alumni Association with seal and signature of the Principal and the Secretary of the Association
- 6.1.1 Vision and Mission statements of the institution
- 6.1.1. A List of teachers, students and non-teaching staff on decision making bodies of the institution
- 6.1.2 indicate decentralization and participative management
- 6.1.3 Reports indicating the efforts made by the institution towards maintenance of transparency
- 6.1.3 A Transparency in the work of the Institution
- 6.2.1 Institutional Development Plan
- 6.2.2 A Service Rule
- 6.2.2 B Documentary evidence in support of the claim
- 6.2.2 C Code of Conduct
- 6.2.3 C Annual e-governance report
- 6.2.4 Minutes of the meeting
- 6.3.1 AA List of beneficiaries of welfare measures provided by the institution
- 6.3.1 List of welfare measures provided by the institution
- 6.3.2 A Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teachers
- 6.3.2 B E-copy of letters indicating financial assistance to teachers
- 6.3.2 C Certificate of participation for the claim
- 6.3.3 A Brochures Reports along with Photographs
- 6.3.5 A Self Appraisal Form_144dpi_60_rgb
- 6.3.5 Self Appraisal Form Non-Teaching Staff
- 6.4.1 Report of Auditors of during the year
- 6.4.2 A Income Expenditure statements
- 6.4.3 Documentary evidence regarding mobilization and utilization of funds
- 6.5. A Any other relevant information_144dpi_60_rgb
- 6.5.2 Appropriate documents to show the visible improvement Teaching-Learning Process
- 6.5.3 A Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality mechanisms
- 6.5.4 C Consolidated report of Academic Administrative Audit (AAA)
- 6.5.4 D e-Copies of the accreditations and certifications
- 6.5.4 F Feedback analysis report
- 6.5.5 Relevant documentary evidence in support of the claim_144dpi_60_rgb
- 7.1.1 A Energy Bill
- 7.1.1 B Energy Policy
- 7.1.2 B Waste Management Policy
- 7.1.3 C Income Expenditure
- 7.1.4 A Income Expenditure
- 7.1.4 C Photos Tank Borewell
- 7.1.5 A Photos Green Cover
- 7.1.6 B Circular Plastic Free Campus
- 7.1.9 A Code of Conduct
- 7.1.9 B link of Code of Conduct
- 7.1.9 C Meeting Minutes of Code of Conduct
- 7.1.9 D Monitoring Committee
- 7.2. A Best Practice
- 7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness
- appointment letters_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2022-2023
- 1.1 (notice) Details of a. the procedure
- 1.1 Report (Plan developed for the academic)
- 1.1 Report (Plans for mid- course correction)
- 1.1.2 Academic clender (A copy of the programme of)
- 1.1.2 Meeting agenda Academic clender (List of persons who participated)
- 1.1.2 Meeting notice and minutes of
- 1.1.3 Prospectus for the academic
- 1.1.3 Report and photographs with
- 1.1.3 caption and date of teacher orientation programmes
- Academic calendar showing time allotted for optiona
- Brochure and Course content along with CLOs of value-added courses
- Course completion certificates (2)
- Course completion certificates
- value added course student list
- 1.2.4 Studensself study course
- Certificates for completing the self-study course
- List of students enrolled and completed in self study course(s)
- 1.3.1 List of activities conducted in support of each of the above
- 1.3.1 Photographs indicating the participation of students, if any_144dpi_60_rgb
- 1.3.3 (Lesson Plan) Documentary evidence in support of the claim
- 1.4.1 Sample filled-in feedback forms
- 1.4.2 Action taken report of the institution with seal and signature of the Principal
- 1.4.2 Stakeholder feedback analysis report with seal and signature of the Principal
- 2.1.1(3) aFFALIATION
- 2.1.1(4) Total enrollment of students _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.1.(2)NOC FOR B.ED AND M.ED
- 2.1.2(2)guidelines for reservation policy state govt.
- 2.1.2(3)category wise reservation total enrollment _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.2(4) MBC Students _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.3(2)students certificate of ews category _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.1.3(3) list of EWS students
- 2.2.1 (1) Assessment of students at entry level
- 2.2.1(3 admission committee
- 2.2.1. (2) performance of Student At entry Level
- 2.2.1.(2). Students list
- 2.2.2(2)Notice for collabrative tasks remadial classes, students election and open air session
- 2.2.2(3) Reports of Activities 2022-2023
- 2.2.2(4) learning enhancement program and collaborative tasks_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.2.2.(3).Students induction program_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.2.3(1). Notice of activities for catering learning exposure
- 2.3.1(2) Multiple mode of teaching learning process
- 2.3.2(2) Photos of Numbers of teachers integrating ICT.
- 2.3.4 evidance of ICT support is used by students in various learning situations
- 2.3.5(1) schedule repots and activities for imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors) _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.5.(2) Photos of imporve proffestional skills by teachers (mentors_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.6(2) Notices by Institution for provide exposure to students about recent developments
- 2.3.6(3) various repots of providing exposure to students about recent developments_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.6(4)_various docements of providing exposure to students about recent developments
- 2.3.7(1) Evidance of teaching learning process for nurtures innovativeness in students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.3.7(2) Photos Evidance of teaching learning process for nurtures innovativeness in students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.1(3) Reports of providing opportunities for developing competencies and skills. _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.1(4) Photos of providing opportunities for developing competencies and skills. _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.10(3) Evidance of internship work
- 2.4.11 Report mentoring mechanism for internship programe
- 2.4.11(1) Notice regarding mentoring mechanism for internship programe
- 2.4.12(1) Assessment of perfomance during internship
- 2.4.13(1) Format Perfomance certificate of internship
- 2.4.13(2) Coprehensive appraisal of interns Perfomance
- 2.4.2(3) attendance sheet of students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.2(4) documents avidance for activities of students _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.3(3) Photos of activities _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.4(3 Research tools _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.4(any other) Blue print _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.5(2) skills developed in students_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.5(3) Documentory evidance for skills developed in students
- 2.4.6(2)Details of cacademic, cultural, sports and community related events through.xrelated activities_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.6.(3) Evidance of cacademic, cultural, sports and community related events through.xrelated activities
- 2.4.7(2) Samples of assignments and field work _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.4.9(2) Notice for internship
- 2.5.1(2) office order of sanction post of staff
- 2.5.4(2) 2.5.4(2). Photo evidance of Teachers put- forth efforts _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.6.1(1) Documents of internal CIE
- 2.6.2 (1)University guideline for internal assessment
- 2.6.2(2) Assessment progamme list
- 2.6.2(3) internal assignment list _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.6.2(4, Notice and Time table of internal assessment_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.6.3 (2) Grivance redressal related to examination (2022-2023)
- 2.6.3(1) academic calendar
- 2.6.4(1) academic calendar for the mechanism of academic activities
- 2.7.1 (2) University ruls
- 2.7.1(1) Details of CLO and PLO
- 2.7.2 (2) TR 2022-2023
- 2.7.2(3). Pass percentage of students during the year
- 2.7.3(2) CLO PLO
- internal marks analysis document new _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.7.4. 2 Internal marks list _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.7.5(1. Perfomacnce of students on various assessment tasks
- 2.7.5(2)_Details of activities _144dpi_60_rgb
- 2.8.1 student satisfaction survey
- 3.1.3 A Institutional Policy document detailing scheme of incentives
- 3.1.3 B Sanction letters of award of incentives_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.1.3 C Income Expenditure statements
- 3.1.3 E Internal Seminar Report_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.1.4 A Documentary evidences in support of the claims_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.2.1 A First page of the article, journals
- 3.2.1 B E-copies of outer jacket, contents page of the journals in which articles are published
- 3.2.2 A First page of the published book, chapter_144dpi_60_rgb
- 3.3.2 Event-wise newspaper clippings
- 3.3.2 A Report of each outreach activity
- 3.3.3 A Documentary evidence in support of the claim along with photographs with caption and date
- 3.3.4 Relevant documentary evidence for the claim
- 3.3.4 A Report of each outreach activity
- 3.3.5 A Appropriate certificates from the awarding agency
- 3.3.5 B Appreciation Ceritificate
- 3.4.1 B Report of each linkage along with videos, photographs
- 3.4.2 B Guest Lecture_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.1 A Infrastructure_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.1 Infrastructure Facility
- 4.1.3 A income & Expenditure Statement
- 4.2.1 Bill for augmentation of library_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.2.3 A Receipts of subscription, membership to e-resources
- 4.2.4 A Income Expenditure statements_144dpi_60_rgb
- 4.2.5 Document showing the number of teachers and students using library , e-library per working day
- 4.3.2 A Purchase receipts and relevant pages of the Stock Register
- 4.3.2 B Photos
- 4.3.3 Receipt for connection indicating bandwidth
- 4.3.3 A Bill for any one month during theacademic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth
- 4.3.4 A List the equipment purchased for claimed facilities along with the relevant bills
- 4.4.2 Infrastructure_144dpi_60_rgb
- 5.1.1 A Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative adopted with seal and signature of the Principal
- 5.1.1 B Sample feedback sheets from the students participating in each of the initiative
- 5.1.3 A Institutional guidelines for students grievance redressal
- 5.1.3 B Composition of the student grievance redressal committee including sexual harassment and ragging
- 5.1.3 C Samples of grievance submitted offline
- 5.1.4 B Report of the Placement Cell
- 5.2.1 A Reports of Placement Cell for during the year
- 5.2.1 B Appointment letters of 10 percent graduates for each year_144dpi_60_rgb
- 5.2.2 A Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education with seal and signature of the principal
- 5.2.2 B Documentary evidence in support of the claim_144dpi_60_rgb
- 5.2.3 A Copy of certificates for qualifying in the state, national examination
- 5.3.1 Copy of constitution of student council signed by the Principal
- 5.3.1 A List of students represented on different bodies of the Institution signed by the Principal
- 5.3.1 B Documentary evidence for alumni role in institution functioning and for student welfare
- 5.4.1 Details of office bearers and members of alumni association
- 5.4.2 B Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning for the academic year
- 6.1.1 A Vision and Mission statements
- 6.1.1 B Any other relevant information ORGANOGRAM
- 6.1.3 Any other relevant information
- 6.1.3 Tranperencey Reports indicating the efforts institution
- 6.2.1 B Institutional Development Plan
- 6.2.1 Any other relevant information
- 6.2.2 Any other relevant information Code of Conduct
- 6.2.3 Annual e-governance report
- 6.2.3 Any other relevant information_144dpi_60_rgb
- 6.2.3 Geo-tagged photographs
- 6.2.4 Action taken report with seal
- 6.2.4 Minutes of the meeting with seal and signature of the
- 6.3.1 A List of beneficiaries of welfare
- 6.3.1 B List of welfare measures provided by the institution with
- 6.3.1 C Any other relevant information_144dpi_60_rgb
- 6.3.2 A Institutional Policy document on providing financial support to teacher
- 6.3.2 B E-copy of letter indicating financial assistance to teachers_144dpi_60_rgb
- 6.3.2 D Income Expenditure statement
- 6.3.3 Brochures Reports along wit
- 6.3.3 List of participants of each programme
- 6.3.4 Copy of Course completion
- 6.3.5 Proforma used for performance ppraisal for teaching and non teaching staff
- 6.3.5 Any other relevant information
- 6.4.1 Report of Auditors of during the year
- 6.4.2 Income Expenditure statements
- 6.4.3 Documentary evidence
- 6.5.2 Any other relevant information
- 6.5.2 Appropriate documents to show the visible improvement in Teaching-Learning Process
- 6.5.3 List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC others quality mechanism
- 6.5.3 Report of the work done by IQAC or other quality
- 6.5.4 Consolidated report of Academic Administrative Audit AAA
- 6.5.4 Feedback analysis report
- 6.5.4 e-Copies of the accreditations and Certificate
- 6.5.5 Relevant documentary evidence in support of the claim
- 7.1.1 A Energy Policy
- 7.1.1 B Photos Energy_144dpi_60_rgb
- 7.1.2 B Waste management Policy
- 7.1.3 C Income Expenditure
- 7.1.4 A Income Expenditure
- 7.1.4 B Water Management And Conservation
- 7.1.4 C Photos Borewell
- 7.1.5 A Green Cover
- 7.1.5 B Bill of Green Cover
- 7.1.6 B Circular
- 7.1.6 C Snap shot Paper less Work
- 7.1.6 D Income Expenditure
- 7.1.7 B Bill Green Initiatives
- 7.1.7 C Income Expenditure
- 7.1.9 C Meeting Minutes
- 7.1.9 D Monitoring Committee
- 7.1.9 E Awairness Programme
- 7.2 A Best Practice_144dpi_60_rgb
- 2023-2024